Tuesday, September 11, 2007


This activity was crazy. It was complete randomness and chaos for the purpose of showing lines and shapes. In general I didn't really think about what I was doing; there was no plan. The only thing we really wanted to do is somehow tie Linnie, Claire & I up together, so we just circled and looped string randomly around us until we couldn't move. The thought of composition never even entered my mind, it was more along the lines of "who can make the most intricate and complicated mess?" At first it didn't look connected at all, it was just random lines throughout the room, but as we kept adding to it, certain string kept taking the same path, ultimately making a thicker line. These lines also started forming abstract shapes, somehow working together to create one big piece of artwork. There were also two groups of students completely connected with eachother in their own area, and by the end, those groups had decided to connect as well. If i were to do it again, I suppose I would think about it more, think about composition, rather than just going for whatever i wanted at that certain moment in time. In general, I enjoyed the string activity. It was an awesome idea and I liked the way it made us see the lines and shapes created by everyone.

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