Color is made from different wavelengths of light, which are absorbed and reflected in various forms. It has an affect on everything in life. It is often used to improve our health, in different ways than traditional modern medicine. This is known as color therapy.
The interaction between color and certain parts of the body is what makes color therapy successful. There is a "resonant interaction of zones" of the hands and feet (chakras energy points) to a similar frequency of color source. Used correctly, together, will make a certain harmony and will have different effects on different parts of the body. We can "tune" our bodies for the best wellness by exposing our chakras to the corresponding color wave.
"The color scale promotes restoration of the energy balance broken by illness. Different colors give off different wavelength frequencies and these different frequencies have different effects on physical and psychological functions and consequently different disorders. "
Color therapy does not alter the physical makeup of the body, but it can strengthen systems and emotions. The process of color therapy is using a ray of light (similar to a pen light) and exposing them to certain acupuncture points of the body. Different colors have different effects, which are channeled throughout the body.
RED: stimulates brain activity and sexual glands, increases heart rate, and blood pressure.
ORANGE: gives off energy while stimulating appetite.
YELLOW: energizes, relieves depression, and helps with memory.
GREEN: helps sooth the nervous system, relaxes from depression, anxiety, and nervousness. Green stimulates growth, therefore it should not be used on tumors and cancers.
BLUE: helps calm and sooth respiratory illnesses or throat infections.
VIOLET: strengthens and awakens, suppresses appetite, improves immunity and arthritis.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
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